K-State's Olathe Horticulture Center, in rural Johnson County, Kansas, (35230 West 135th Street, Olathe, KS 66061) is situated on the eastern side of land that was once the Sunflower Ammunition Plant. The Center's 342 acres include 150 acres of native woodland, 75 acres of bottomland, and 117 acres of upland soil grassland. Spoon Creek runs through the site and provides irrigation water for research plots. The Center, a unit of K-State Research and Extension, is the site of numerous vegetable and turfgrass research projects. The Center supports six full- and part-time employees (including two KSU professors/Extension specialists), several graduate students in the Urban Food Systems and Turfgrass Science programs, and part-time summer student workers.
Our Vision: To be a regional resource and center of excellence in applied research and extension programs that serves the current and future needs of turfgrass, landscape, fruit, vegetable, and forestry industries as well as the local and regional economies they support.
Fruits & Vegetables
High Tunnel & Open Field Production
Warm and Cool Season Turfgrass Research
Home of the Johnson County Master Gardeners 'Backyard Garden'
Established in 2005, this demonstration garden is organized and maintained by volunteers in the Johnson County Extension Master Gardener program. It showcases fruit, vegetables, and flowers with the home gardener in mind.
Find out more at their website.